Hey guys....
I'm hoping you will come in and chat with me about female muscle, working out and anything else you want to talk about.
I can't wait to hear from you
Sharee's sexy female muscle chat. Talk about Sharee', female bodybuilding, female muscle, webcam sessions, etc.
so good to see that you have a website up again... awesome pics and incredible body... I can;t wait to see you on webcam!
thanks powrbuilder.....glad u like the website so far....stayed tuned cuz i will have it completely done in the next week or so.....but u dont have to wait till then to schedule a webcam session with me...just email me and tell what day and time works best 4 u....just think, rock hard sexy muscles up close and personal flexing just for u, in the privacy of ur own home.....xoxoxoxoxoxo
Hello Sharee,
Just want to say its great I ever got in touch with you and that we became very close friends.
This website is the crown on your whole career, I think you look better than ever now.
Keep up the hard work, we keep in touch! Your close friend Rodger
Thank u Rodger.....im glad to have met u too...and im glad u like the new website....without the internet u would have never known about me ......isnt it a wonderful thing??? And wow ur thousands of miles away.....being on the internet and communicating makes people feel like they are very close (geographically)...and just so u know, i am gonna try and get a lil bigger than i am now....who knows what next year will hold for me ???? Stay tuned.....muahhhhh
Hello Sharee, very happy to see that you are back on the web. I've been a fan of yours for the longest time and I think you are one of the sexiest and most sensual fbb. Have a great day and I hope to get to see a lot more of you.
Love your size and strength. Keep getting bigger and stronger. What your long term goals?
Very nice. Very sexy. I look the world over for a nice, hard, Jewish gal like you...
Greetings Sharee. I'm a female muscle fans and you are one of my favorite bodybuilders. I admire the muscle girls like you because for me are a great inspirational source for each life aspect. Your website is very cool and you got a very powerful muscle body. Keep traininghard Sharee, because you're the best.
ty u soooo much for all the nice compliments...........my plans for the future are to stay big and hard for u guys....and of course to stay sexy too...cant lose that quality...wink wink
i"ll be helping a friend of mine with her 2nd BB show this weekend here in PA.....she looks gr8 for her 2nd show and im pretty sure she will win the overall title...it will be a busy show for me, as i will be also helping my good friend who is the promoter of this show..ill be helping him with expediting and presenting of trophies, and helping women backstage, etc.....ill post pics after this weekend...have a great week .....TTFN
Hey Sharee..... I love how you keep updating and adding things...... I would love to have a signed picture of you.... will you have that available soon in your store?
Hi Sharee -- I'm going to kill your blogger and it's responsible for fuckin up my stitches because it's such a pain in the ASS!!!!!!! Im going to go take my vicadin now because IM SO FRUSTRATED! LOL LOL
Trying this again because I now feel like an imcompetent anonymous ASShole....LOL...
ur 2 funny...gotta be patient with these things...hope ur feeling better soon
i will have signed pics and videos available in the next month or so....so keep checking back.....i can do custom-order videos now....so email me and let me know what u would like and let me work my magic in the camera......cya soon
Hi Sharee I saw your bulletin on myspace so I came to check out your site. It's done very well I like it. I hope you have a lot of success with it. If your wondering who this is just think I'm going to kick your butt on a dirt bike sometime soon :) I think you might know who I am lol. Have a great week. TTYL
yes i know who this is....and I WILL kick ur butt on a dirtbike...u'll see.....it might make u go crying back home...LOL...waaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
You look absolutely marvelous. But the again you always do. You are by far the best female bodybuilder around.
I am very glad we have become very good friends.
Take care,
Thanks so much Rich ...ur a sweetie and im glad to have become friends as well....have safe and Happy Holidays
It was so awesome to talk to you recently. You are a wondeful and understanding friend.You will always have a specail place in my life.
I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and may 2009 be the best year for everyone.....i know i have a few things i wanna accomplish this year that might interest each and every one of u....so stay tuned
Hello Sharee. First than nothing, I want to wish you a happy 2009 beginning and I hope your next projects can be fulfilled. Besides, I want to tell you that the Offseason feels to you of wonder and I like to see your photos, in which you shows a well carved muscle body.
You're incredible Sharee.
Hey Sharee!! I miss seeing you on herbicepscam.com!! What happened to you, and when is your store going to be up?? You look great!!
i am taking a break from the webcam site for now but i am still doing private webcam sessions....If u are intrested in setting one up with me just email me and let me know.....I am still here and still getting bigger and staying HARD !!!!!!!!!!!
and ty u guys for all ur compliments.......
Sharee your a goddess made in heaven
hey guys....we're having a snow storm here in PA and im just loving it....woohooo 5 inches on my deck right now.....im sure it will be the last snowfall till next winter.....so no work out for me today...cant get out of my driveway...but have no fear, i will make it up, or should i ???? after all it is chest day and u saw my March pic, does it look like it will hurt me if i miss a day of chest?????? lol
Hey Sharee,
Miss our talks and look foward to the time when we can sit and catch up. You are a very specail person in my life and you have a heart of gold.
I forgot to leave my name on the last post. This is Rich. Like I said I hope we can catch up real soon. I miss you.
you are sexy Sharee and i love you .. keep goin baby..
you are sexy Sharee and i love you .. keep goin baby..
Hello Sharee, you are so gorgeous and sexy, I was wondering if we could go out to dinner together and get to know one another.., that is if you are not already taken.
Hello Goddess Sharee, i was wondering if you had ever trampled a worthless man under your powerful feet?
Hi Sharee'
I'd love to see you make a video where there's a lot of close-up on the muscle. Just focusing on striation, vascularity and muscle quality when you are in contest shape. With running dialogue from you of course!
Thanks for staying big and hard!
HAHA!!! Were u once a man??? You sincerely look like it, so you should be insecure. I once heard that flirting leads to fucking, I guess I know now why you would have come up with such a ridiculous notion, after seeing your webpage. So I am going to have the last word....LAY off the Steroids Psysho SheMALE!!!! Those things will mess you up!!!!!
Hey there..I'm an amateur bodybuilder, but as I get older I find I'm not able to keep up the old routine. For example, I had a heavy legs workout two days ago and I can still barely walk ;)
how can you send private mess to a member??? somebody can tell me?
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